| |
- __builtin__.dict(__builtin__.object)
- SimpyData
- Link
- Note
- Watchlist
- SimpyClient
- ValidationError
- urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler(urllib2.BaseHandler)
- PostRedirectHandler
class Link(SimpyData) |
Data holder class for links |
- Method resolution order:
- Link
- SimpyData
- __builtin__.dict
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, **kw)
- toPost(self)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- args = {'accessType': '', 'addDate': None, 'addDateStr': '', 'modDate': None, 'modDateStr': '', 'nickname': '', 'note': '', 'tags': None, 'title': '', 'url': ''}
Methods inherited from SimpyData:
- __str__(self)
- acc(self)
Data descriptors inherited from SimpyData:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from __builtin__.dict:
- __cmp__(...)
- x.__cmp__(y) <==> cmp(x,y)
- __contains__(...)
- D.__contains__(k) -> True if D has a key k, else False
- __delitem__(...)
- x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y]
- __eq__(...)
- x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y
- __ge__(...)
- x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y
- __getattribute__(...)
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __getitem__(...)
- x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]
- __gt__(...)
- x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y
- __hash__(...)
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __iter__(...)
- x.__iter__() <==> iter(x)
- __le__(...)
- x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y
- __len__(...)
- x.__len__() <==> len(x)
- __lt__(...)
- x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y
- __ne__(...)
- x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y
- __repr__(...)
- x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
- __setitem__(...)
- x.__setitem__(i, y) <==> x[i]=y
- clear(...)
- D.clear() -> None. Remove all items from D.
- copy(...)
- D.copy() -> a shallow copy of D
- get(...)
- D.get(k[,d]) -> D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None.
- has_key(...)
- D.has_key(k) -> True if D has a key k, else False
- items(...)
- D.items() -> list of D's (key, value) pairs, as 2-tuples
- iteritems(...)
- D.iteritems() -> an iterator over the (key, value) items of D
- iterkeys(...)
- D.iterkeys() -> an iterator over the keys of D
- itervalues(...)
- D.itervalues() -> an iterator over the values of D
- keys(...)
- D.keys() -> list of D's keys
- pop(...)
- D.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value
If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised
- popitem(...)
- D.popitem() -> (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a
2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty
- setdefault(...)
- D.setdefault(k[,d]) -> D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D
- update(...)
- D.update(E, **F) -> None. Update D from E and F: for k in E: D[k] = E[k]
(if E has keys else: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v) then: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]
- values(...)
- D.values() -> list of D's values
Data and other attributes inherited from __builtin__.dict:
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x6cb8d150>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- fromkeys = <built-in method fromkeys of type object at 0x72f41c>
- dict.fromkeys(S[,v]) -> New dict with keys from S and values equal to v.
v defaults to None.
class Note(SimpyData) |
Data holder class for notes |
- Method resolution order:
- Note
- SimpyData
- __builtin__.dict
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, **kw)
- toPost(self)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- args = {'accessType': '', 'addDate': None, 'addDateStr': '', 'description': '', 'ident': '', 'modDate': None, 'modDateStr': '', 'nickname': '', 'tags': None, 'title': '', ...}
Methods inherited from SimpyData:
- __str__(self)
- acc(self)
Data descriptors inherited from SimpyData:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from __builtin__.dict:
- __cmp__(...)
- x.__cmp__(y) <==> cmp(x,y)
- __contains__(...)
- D.__contains__(k) -> True if D has a key k, else False
- __delitem__(...)
- x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y]
- __eq__(...)
- x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y
- __ge__(...)
- x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y
- __getattribute__(...)
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __getitem__(...)
- x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]
- __gt__(...)
- x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y
- __hash__(...)
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __iter__(...)
- x.__iter__() <==> iter(x)
- __le__(...)
- x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y
- __len__(...)
- x.__len__() <==> len(x)
- __lt__(...)
- x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y
- __ne__(...)
- x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y
- __repr__(...)
- x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
- __setitem__(...)
- x.__setitem__(i, y) <==> x[i]=y
- clear(...)
- D.clear() -> None. Remove all items from D.
- copy(...)
- D.copy() -> a shallow copy of D
- get(...)
- D.get(k[,d]) -> D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None.
- has_key(...)
- D.has_key(k) -> True if D has a key k, else False
- items(...)
- D.items() -> list of D's (key, value) pairs, as 2-tuples
- iteritems(...)
- D.iteritems() -> an iterator over the (key, value) items of D
- iterkeys(...)
- D.iterkeys() -> an iterator over the keys of D
- itervalues(...)
- D.itervalues() -> an iterator over the values of D
- keys(...)
- D.keys() -> list of D's keys
- pop(...)
- D.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value
If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised
- popitem(...)
- D.popitem() -> (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a
2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty
- setdefault(...)
- D.setdefault(k[,d]) -> D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D
- update(...)
- D.update(E, **F) -> None. Update D from E and F: for k in E: D[k] = E[k]
(if E has keys else: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v) then: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]
- values(...)
- D.values() -> list of D's values
Data and other attributes inherited from __builtin__.dict:
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x6cb8d150>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- fromkeys = <built-in method fromkeys of type object at 0x7315ac>
- dict.fromkeys(S[,v]) -> New dict with keys from S and values equal to v.
v defaults to None.
class PostRedirectHandler(urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler) |
This is needed when making a POST request to simpy.
It's needed, e.g. when saving notes and links, because simpy's authentication
is handled via a redirect (302) to a login page. The HTTPRedirectHandler
implementation converts the POST request silently to a GET request, causing
the request to lose all data, that should've been saved.
This handler fixes this problem by making the redirected request
a POST request.
see http://docs.python.org/lib/http-redirect-handler.html |
- Method resolution order:
- PostRedirectHandler
- urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler
- urllib2.BaseHandler
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, data)
- redirect_request(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers, newurl)
Methods inherited from urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler:
- http_error_301 = http_error_302(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers)
- # Implementation note: To avoid the server sending us into an
# infinite loop, the request object needs to track what URLs we
# have already seen. Do this by adding a handler-specific
# attribute to the Request object.
- http_error_302(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers)
- # Implementation note: To avoid the server sending us into an
# infinite loop, the request object needs to track what URLs we
# have already seen. Do this by adding a handler-specific
# attribute to the Request object.
- http_error_303 = http_error_302(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers)
- # Implementation note: To avoid the server sending us into an
# infinite loop, the request object needs to track what URLs we
# have already seen. Do this by adding a handler-specific
# attribute to the Request object.
- http_error_307 = http_error_302(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers)
- # Implementation note: To avoid the server sending us into an
# infinite loop, the request object needs to track what URLs we
# have already seen. Do this by adding a handler-specific
# attribute to the Request object.
Data and other attributes inherited from urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler:
- inf_msg = 'The HTTP server returned a redirect error that w...n infinite loop.\nThe last 30x error message was:\n'
- max_redirections = 10
- max_repeats = 4
Methods inherited from urllib2.BaseHandler:
- __lt__(self, other)
- add_parent(self, parent)
- close(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from urllib2.BaseHandler:
- handler_order = 500
class SimpyClient |
The client abstraction of simpy's REST API.
Use instances of this class to communicate with the REST API.
All calls that modify data on the server side are issued as POST request,
while reading requests are performed as GET requests. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, user, passwd)
- Create an instance of this class
user - the username to use when authenticating against the API
passwd - the password to use when authenticating against the API
- deleteLink(self, href)
- Makes a call to DeleteLink() of the simpy API, deleting the bookmark
specified by the parameter 'href'
href - the 'http' URL that represents the bookmark that should be saved
A dictionary containing 'code' and 'message' of the response. A code
unequal zero indicates an error.
- deleteNote(self, note)
- Makes a call to DeleteNote() of the simpy API
A dictionary containing 'code' and 'message' of the response. A code
unequal zero indicates an error.
- getLinks(self, params={})
- Makes a call to GetLinks() of the simpy API
params - optional dictionary of parameters, that will be sent with the call.
Valid parameters are:
<q> A query string that forces the API call to return only the
matching links. You can use the usual Simpy search syntax and
search fields.
<limit> Limits the number of links returned.
<date> This parameter should not be used in combination with
the afterDate and beforeDate parameters. It limits the links
returned to links added on the given date.
<afterDate> This parameter should be used in combination with the
beforeDate parameter. It limits the links returned to links
added after the given date, excluding the date specified.
<beforeDate> This parameter should be used in combination with
the afterDate parameter. It limits the links returned to
links added before the given date, excluding the date specified.
A list of Link-objects, that's never <None>
- getNotes(self, query='', limit=0)
- Makes a call to GetNotes() of the simpy API
query - the query string, that denotes the search query the notes are searched for
limit - the number of items returned by the request, default is 0, which retrieves all notes
A list of Note-objects, or <None> if the 'query' provided is <None>
- getTags(self, limit=0)
- Makes a call to GetTags() of the simpy API
limit - the number of tags returned by the call, default is 0, which gets all tags
A list of dictionaries that contain the values for 'count' and 'tag'
as returned by the call to the API, never <None>
- getWatchlist(self, watchlistId)
- Makes a call to GetWatchlist() of the simpy API
A Watchlist object if the provided Id was a valid watchlist id, None
- getWatchlists(self)
- Makes a call to GetWatchlists() of the simpy API
- mergeTags(self, fromTag1=None, fromTag2=None, toTag=None)
- Makes a call to MergeTags() of the simpy API, merging the fromTag1
and fromTag2 to the tag specified by toTag
fromTag1 - the first tag that should be merged
fromTag2 - the second tag that should be merged
toTag - the target tag that the two tags should be merged to
A dictionary containing 'code' and 'message' of the response. A code
unequal zero indicates an error, or None if any of the provided tag
strings is None
- removeTag(self, tag=None)
- Makes a call to RemoveTag() of the simpy API, removing the specified tag
tag - the tag to delete
A dictionary containing 'code' and 'message' of the response. A code
unequal zero indicates an error, or None if the provided tag string is
- renameTag(self, fromTag=None, toTag=None)
- Makes a call to RenameTag() of the simpy API, renaming the fromTag to
the value specified by toTag
fromTag - the tag which should be renamed
toTag - the target name the 'fromTag' should be renamed to
A dictionary containing 'code' and 'message' of the response. A code
unequal zero indicates an error, or None if any of the provided tag
strings is None
- saveLink(self, link)
- Makes a call to SaveLink() of the simpy API
link - a Link object representing the link to be saved
A dictionary containing 'code' and 'message' of the response. A code
unequal zero indicates an error.
- saveNote(self, note)
- Makes a call to SaveNote() of the simpy API
A dictionary containing 'code' and 'message' of the response. A code
unequal zero indicates an error.
- splitTag(self, tag=None, toTag1=None, toTag2=None)
- Makes a call to SplitTag() of the simpy API, splitting the tag specified
by 'tag' to the tags specified by toTag1 and toTag2
tag - the tag that should be split in two new tags
toTag1 - the first tag the source tag should be merged to
toTag2 - the second tag the source tag should be merged to
A dictionary containing 'code' and 'message' of the response. A code
unequal zero indicates an error, or None if any of the provided tag
strings is None
class SimpyData(__builtin__.dict) |
Base class that provides nice utility methods for data holding classes |
- Method resolution order:
- SimpyData
- __builtin__.dict
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, **kw)
- __str__(self)
- acc(self)
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from __builtin__.dict:
- __cmp__(...)
- x.__cmp__(y) <==> cmp(x,y)
- __contains__(...)
- D.__contains__(k) -> True if D has a key k, else False
- __delitem__(...)
- x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y]
- __eq__(...)
- x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y
- __ge__(...)
- x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y
- __getattribute__(...)
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __getitem__(...)
- x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]
- __gt__(...)
- x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y
- __hash__(...)
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __iter__(...)
- x.__iter__() <==> iter(x)
- __le__(...)
- x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y
- __len__(...)
- x.__len__() <==> len(x)
- __lt__(...)
- x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y
- __ne__(...)
- x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y
- __repr__(...)
- x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
- __setitem__(...)
- x.__setitem__(i, y) <==> x[i]=y
- clear(...)
- D.clear() -> None. Remove all items from D.
- copy(...)
- D.copy() -> a shallow copy of D
- get(...)
- D.get(k[,d]) -> D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None.
- has_key(...)
- D.has_key(k) -> True if D has a key k, else False
- items(...)
- D.items() -> list of D's (key, value) pairs, as 2-tuples
- iteritems(...)
- D.iteritems() -> an iterator over the (key, value) items of D
- iterkeys(...)
- D.iterkeys() -> an iterator over the keys of D
- itervalues(...)
- D.itervalues() -> an iterator over the values of D
- keys(...)
- D.keys() -> list of D's keys
- pop(...)
- D.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value
If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised
- popitem(...)
- D.popitem() -> (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a
2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty
- setdefault(...)
- D.setdefault(k[,d]) -> D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D
- update(...)
- D.update(E, **F) -> None. Update D from E and F: for k in E: D[k] = E[k]
(if E has keys else: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v) then: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]
- values(...)
- D.values() -> list of D's values
Data and other attributes inherited from __builtin__.dict:
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x6cb8d150>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- fromkeys = <built-in method fromkeys of type object at 0x6e8f4c>
- dict.fromkeys(S[,v]) -> New dict with keys from S and values equal to v.
v defaults to None.
class ValidationError |
Signals that it was tried to save an incomplete/invalid object. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, obj)
- __str__(self)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- obj = None
class Watchlist(SimpyData) |
Data holder class for a watchlist |
- Method resolution order:
- Watchlist
- SimpyData
- __builtin__.dict
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, **kw)
- toPost(self)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- args = {'addDate': None, 'description': '', 'filters': None, 'identifier': '', 'name': '', 'newLinks': '', 'users': None}
Methods inherited from SimpyData:
- __str__(self)
- acc(self)
Data descriptors inherited from SimpyData:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from __builtin__.dict:
- __cmp__(...)
- x.__cmp__(y) <==> cmp(x,y)
- __contains__(...)
- D.__contains__(k) -> True if D has a key k, else False
- __delitem__(...)
- x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y]
- __eq__(...)
- x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y
- __ge__(...)
- x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y
- __getattribute__(...)
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __getitem__(...)
- x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]
- __gt__(...)
- x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y
- __hash__(...)
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __iter__(...)
- x.__iter__() <==> iter(x)
- __le__(...)
- x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y
- __len__(...)
- x.__len__() <==> len(x)
- __lt__(...)
- x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y
- __ne__(...)
- x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y
- __repr__(...)
- x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
- __setitem__(...)
- x.__setitem__(i, y) <==> x[i]=y
- clear(...)
- D.clear() -> None. Remove all items from D.
- copy(...)
- D.copy() -> a shallow copy of D
- get(...)
- D.get(k[,d]) -> D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None.
- has_key(...)
- D.has_key(k) -> True if D has a key k, else False
- items(...)
- D.items() -> list of D's (key, value) pairs, as 2-tuples
- iteritems(...)
- D.iteritems() -> an iterator over the (key, value) items of D
- iterkeys(...)
- D.iterkeys() -> an iterator over the keys of D
- itervalues(...)
- D.itervalues() -> an iterator over the values of D
- keys(...)
- D.keys() -> list of D's keys
- pop(...)
- D.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value
If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised
- popitem(...)
- D.popitem() -> (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a
2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty
- setdefault(...)
- D.setdefault(k[,d]) -> D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D
- update(...)
- D.update(E, **F) -> None. Update D from E and F: for k in E: D[k] = E[k]
(if E has keys else: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v) then: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]
- values(...)
- D.values() -> list of D's values
Data and other attributes inherited from __builtin__.dict:
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x6cb8d150>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- fromkeys = <built-in method fromkeys of type object at 0x731904>
- dict.fromkeys(S[,v]) -> New dict with keys from S and values equal to v.
v defaults to None.
| |